Detection of Macroscopic Entanglement by Correlation of Local Observables University of Tokyo In quant-ph 0504086, Shimizu and Morimae propose a macroscopic entanglement index for unknown and mixed states. "We propose a correlation of local observables on many sites in macroscopic quantum systems. By measuring the correlation one can detect, if any, 'superposition of macroscopically distinct states,' which we call macroscopic entanglement, in arbitrary quantum states that are (effectively) homogeneous. Using this property, we also propose an index of macroscopic entanglement."
Spectroscopy on Two Coupled Superconducting Flux Qubits Kavli Institute Delft In PRL 94, 090501 (2005) Mooij et al. report on spectroscopy measurements of two coupled superconducting flux qubits: "The new results support the notion that superconducting flux qubits can be used to study entanglement in macroscopic quantum systems and for the development of nontrivial two-qubit gates [...] We demonstrate that two macroscopic flux qubits can be coupled to form a quantum mechanical four level system."
2005 Agilent Europhysics Prize Agilent Technologies The 2005 Agilent Technologies Europhysics Prize has been awarded to Awschalom, Dietl, and Ohno for their investigation of solid-state magnetic semiconductors and spin coherence. Spintronics is a promising candidate for scalable quantum computation. "We are proud to recognize these scientists for combining advanced materials engineering, insightful theoretical modeling, ingenious experimental techniques, and international collaboration to attain important breakthroughs in spintronics," said Jim Hollenhorst, director of molecular technology at Agilent Laboratories. Last year the award was shared by Mooij, Nakamura, Devoret and Esteve for their demonstration of superconducting circuits as qubits.
2005 Agilent Europhysics Prize Agilent Technologies The 2005 Agilent Technologies Europhysics Prize has been awarded to Awschalom, Dietl, and Ohno for their investigation of solid-state magnetic semiconductors and spin coherence. Spintronics is a promising candidate for scalable quantum computation. "We are proud to recognize these scientists for combining advanced materials engineering, insightful theoretical modeling, ingenious experimental techniques, and international collaboration to attain important breakthroughs in spintronics," said Jim Hollenhorst, director of molecular technology at Agilent Laboratories. Last year the award was shared by Mooij, Nakamura, Devoret and Esteve for their demonstration of superconducting circuits as qubits.
Nonlocal Measurements in Time-Symmetric Quantum Mechanics arXiv Vaidman and Nevo have posted a preprint on nonlocal demolition measurement of backward evolving quantum states which allows for the introduction of novel types of nonlocal variables. The work builds upon upon Aharonov's time-symmetric formalism, which contains the quantum state evolving backward in time from complete measurement performed in the future relative to the time in question. "Demolition measurements of nonlocal backward evolving quantum states require remarkably small resources. This is so because the combined operation of time reversal and teleportation of a local backward evolving quantum state requires only a single quantum channel and no transmission of classical information."
Quantum Interference Effect Transistors PhysicsWeb Cardamone et al. propose a novel approach to single-molecule transistors, the quantum interference effect transistor, or QuIET. Each transistor consists of two electrodes attached to an organic ring molecule in one of two configurations: the presence or absence of quantum interference in the ring determines the state of the transistor. "One potential advantage of the QuIET approach is that it could work in aqueous environments, such as those inside living organisms, because it is made of organic molecules."

Schematic diagrams of two types of QuIET In each, base voltage modulates the coherent suppression of current between emitter (E) and collector (C) leads. In (a), base voltage controls the distance x between the benzene ring and base lead (B), for example an STM tip. This in turn controls the coupling of the ring to the base lead. In (b), a base complex is introduced between the ring and base lead. The electrostatic effect of the base lead's bias on this molecule alters its coupling to the benzene ring.
Quantum Game Theory arXiv Nash equilibria and game theory profoundly affected the outcome of the 20th Century – preventing escalation of Cold War conflict between the US and USSR, for example. Quantum game theoretic approaches similarly hold the potential to influence strategic developments in the coming century. Quantum communications networks are already operating in research laboratories across the globe. With the recent birth of the DARPA/BBN quantum internet, quantum game theory has left the realm of academia and entered the world of practical applications, showing promise to transform politics, economics, conflict and warfare in the decades to come. In a recent PhD thesis, Iqbal reviews the current state of the field. See also "Quantum Pseudo-Telepathy" by Brassard et al, "Classical Rules in Quantum Games" by van Enk, "Quantum Strategies" by Meyer.
Schematic diagrams of two types of QuIET In each, base voltage modulates the coherent suppression of current between emitter (E) and collector (C) leads. In (a), base voltage controls the distance x between the benzene ring and base lead (B), for example an STM tip. This in turn controls the coupling of the ring to the base lead. In (b), a base complex is introduced between the ring and base lead. The electrostatic effect of the base lead's bias on this molecule alters its coupling to the benzene ring.
Quantum Game Theory arXiv Nash equilibria and game theory profoundly affected the outcome of the 20th Century – preventing escalation of Cold War conflict between the US and USSR, for example. Quantum game theoretic approaches similarly hold the potential to influence strategic developments in the coming century. Quantum communications networks are already operating in research laboratories across the globe. With the recent birth of the DARPA/BBN quantum internet, quantum game theory has left the realm of academia and entered the world of practical applications, showing promise to transform politics, economics, conflict and warfare in the decades to come. In a recent PhD thesis, Iqbal reviews the current state of the field. See also "Quantum Pseudo-Telepathy" by Brassard et al, "Classical Rules in Quantum Games" by van Enk, "Quantum Strategies" by Meyer.
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