Tunable flux qubit. (A) Double SQUID with two control coils. (B) Potential of the double SQUID in the symmetric case, relative energy levels. (C) Potential in the asymmetric case. Chiarello, cond-mat 0602464.Tunable flux qubit manipulated by fast pulses MQC Group Chiarello evaluates the physical parameters for operation of a
tunable flux qubit, calculating dissipation and decoherence factors, and discussing the potential for employment of integrated
rapid single flux quantum (RSFQ) logic for qubit control.
High fidelity state tomography of capacitively shunted phase qubits UCSB Steffen et al. introduce a novel design concept for
superconducting qubits – separating the capacitive element from the Josephson junction for improved qubit performance. Environmental coupling to the qubit is reduced by an order of magnitude; measurement fidelity improves to 90%.
"This improved design enables the first demonstration of quantum state tomography with superconducting qubits using single shot measurements.
"High-contrast dispersive readout of a superconducting flux qubit Delft Lupascu et al. demonstrate
high-contrast state detection of a superconducting flux qubit by probing the microwave transmission of a nonlinear resonator based on a SQUID.
"Measured contrast of Rabi oscillations is as high as 87%; of the missing 13%, only 3% is unaccounted for. Experiments involving two consecutive detection pulses are consistent with preparation of the qubit state by the first measurement.
"Feedback control for communication with non-orthogonal states LSU Kurt Jacobs examines continuous implementation of optimal measurement for distinguishing between two non-orthogonal states.
"Feedback control can be used during measurement to increase the rate at which the information regarding the initial preparation is obtained. Enhancement in the rate of information gain is achieved at the expense of reducing the total information which the measurement can extract in the long-time limit.